How It Works

Explore our program that powering the growth of the BNetwork Ecosystem.

CosMos Network

CosMos Network offers a program with 10 investment tiers ranging from 5 USDT to 5,000 USDT, providing 30% direct income, 20% passive income, and 40% autopool with recycling.

Universe Universe 2.0

Universe Universe offers a program with 10 investment tiers ranging from 5 USDT to 5,000 USDT, providing 20% upgrade income, 10% level income upto 10 level down, and 30% 3x2 matrix with recycling and autoupgrade .

Royalty NFT

Royalty NFT operates as a status program, granting participants Royalty Bonuses within the framework of NFTs. This program comprises 6 NFT levels,with Royalty bonuses being allocated